On 1/9/2025 2:00 PM, Gak, fat little cocksucker fucked up the
On 1/9/2025 12:37 PM, Gak, fat little cocksucker fucked
up the ass by priests hundreds of times ? and admits it ?
On 1/9/2025 9:59 AM, Gak, fat little cocksucker
fucked up the ass by priests hundreds of times ? and
On 1/9/2025 9:42 AM, Gak, fat little cocksucker
fucked up the ass by priests hundreds of times ?
On 1/9/2025 8:35 AM, Gak, fat little
cocksucker fucked up the ass by priests
[bullshit erased]
Los Angeles is the largest city in
California, you stupid priest- fucked fat
little cocksucker, not the second largest.
That makes it even worse,
How does your fuckup make anything except your
shit reputation any worse? You simply fucked up,
and now you're doubling down on your fuckup. You
always fuck up, you priest-fucked fat little
cocksucker (who admits it!)
No such poster, as you well know, you
priest-fucked fat little cocksucker.
Maybe you,[Hartung comma] can donate your purse to
help douse the falmes [sic],
The comma is wrong, you illiterate fat little
priest-fucked cocksucker.
Thanks, Jon Ball.
No such poster, as you well know, you priest-fucked fat
little cocksucker.
What are "falmes," you illiterate fat little
priest-fucked cocksucker.
Those would be flames with the 'a' and 'l' transposed.
You're illiterate, you priest-fucked fat little
Do you know how a fire truck pumper works, you
priest-fucked fat little cocksucker? Evidently not.
Nope. You don't. You can't run the pump without water
coming in from the hydrant. There was no water from the
hydrant because they used all the water from the
reservoirs, which were full before the fires started.
Karen Bass did nothing wrong. This is just the usual
Republiscum/QAnon lying.
Apparently your dyke-led firefighting leaders don't, Jon Ball.
No such poster here, as you well know, you priest-fucked
fat little cocksucker.
You voted for this, you putrid little shitnozzle.
I didn't, you priest-fucked fat little cocksucker. I
don't live there.
There is no legitimate political dimension to this fire
disaster ? none whatsoever. It's just bullshit from the
dank swamp of fascist shitbags like you.
You, Jon Ball,
No such poster, you priest-fucked fat little cocksucker, as you well know.
pay about the highest taxes in the nation,
I don't, you priest-fucked fat little cocksucker. I don't live there.
yet your fire hydrants and reservoirs were still empty,
They were not when the fire started, you priest-fucked fat
little cocksucker. They were full to capacity. They were
being drained by fire trucks faster than they could be
your vegitation [sic] overgrown,
*vegetation*, you illiterate priest-fucked fat little
The vegetation is chaparral, which is notoriously flammable
and fast growing. Look at it, you priest-fucked fat little
Those are rugged hills, and the chaparral is virtually
impenetrable. You simply don't "cut it back" except
immediately adjacent to inhabited areas. And if you cut it
back too much, you get massive mudslides when it rains.
You don't really have anything intelligent to say. You, a Nazi
Republiscum/QAnon shitbag as well as a priest-fucked fat
little cocksucker, are just looking to bash the opposition
using anything your sick Nazi mind can glom onto. It's
complete bullshit.
your fire department budget cut by the mayor,
No evidence that it had any effect on department readiness or
ability to respond, you priest-fucked fat little cocksucker.
He shit in his own soiled panties.