Trump Says The Fascist Part Out Loud
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Michael A Terrell
2024-10-15 16:33:45 UTC
On 10/15/2024 9:22 AM, Skeeter-Shit "Lamey" Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted
child molester and another fucking do-nothing, posted another content-free batch
| Trump: I'm giving federal immunity to police officers
| Trump Plans to Amp Up His Violent, Bigoted Rhetoric in
| Closing Pitch to Voters
| Over the past week, Donald Trump has been on a fascist
| romp. At rallies in Colorado and California, he amped up
| his usual rants, and added a rancid grace note by
| suggesting that a woman heckler should "get the hell
| knocked out of her" by her mother after she gets back home.
| But on Sunday morning, he outdid himself in an interview on
| Fox News, by saying that "the enemy within"--Americans he
| described as "radical left lunatics," including
| Representative Adam Schiff of California, whom he mentioned
| by name--are more dangerous than Russia or China, and could
| be "very easily handled" by the National Guard or the U.S.
| military.
| ...
General Mark Milley is right, Trump is
the most dangerous candidate to ever run
for president.
Tell us how he scared you when he was in office.
Mounting an insurrection.
That scared you?
Insurrections rightly scare all patriots and right-thinking Americans.
If there was one.
There was. This is not in rational dispute.
Another content-free post from Skeeter-Shit "Lamey" Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell,
convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing
citizen winston smith
2024-10-15 17:15:52 UTC
Post by Michael A Terrell
This is not in rational dispute.
You (and everyone who reads you) know you're a gutless death threat
making coward who won't ever show up at the Jolly Kone for your
comeuppance, little man ball.
