Post by jojoPost by %Post by jojoPost by Sn!pePost by jojoPost by %Post by jojoi love it. fuckin boom boomm boom all you moretfuckers die.
you're a drone
lol yeah i'm a drone
If you keep up this attitude, you'll be done.
sorry, it will stop.
no it won't and sorry isn't a get out of jail free
you are going to make me cry again, arent you?? i
dont like the way i am.
Then don't be that way, just stop it.
You are the one who's saying that stuff, take personal
responsibility for yourself. While you're at it, cut out the
self-pity, that will get you nowhere.
^Ï^. Sn!pe, PTB, FIBS My pet rock Gordon hears distant drums.