scooterisms [updated]
(too old to reply)
Klaus Schadenfreude
2024-12-27 01:56:36 UTC
Some of scooter's illiterate and nonsensical locutions


"Actually..." [empty padding]
"Further..." [empty padding]
"Naturally, ..." [empty padding]
"And just like that..." [scooter going "nyah-nyah" at an opponent immediately
before fleeing]
"On the contrary..." [scooter childishly disputing, *never* refuting]
"And yet..." [empty padding; scooter adding something irrelevant and pointless]
"Heck..." [empty padding]
"Well..." [empty padding]
"After all..." [empty padding]
"In fact..." [empty padding]
"Indeed..." [empty padding; this is one of "pothole's" favorites, too]
"I acknowledge that..." [something that hasn't happened, so not subject to
"So what you're saying..." [what follows is *always* something the opponent
*never* said, i.e. a straw man]
"TRANSLATION:..." [the same as "so what you're saying..." — a straw man]
"Rudy/Baxter/Lee admits..." same as "so what you're saying" and "TRANSLATION:.."
— a straw man]
"Where in the Constitution does it say..." [about shit that wouldn't *be* in the
Constitution anyway]
"it's" [he means the possessive "its"]
"its" [he means the contraction "it's"]
"and" [he means "an"]
"an" [he means "and"]
"where" [he means "were"]
"were" [he means "where"]
"creditability" [he means "credibility"; "creditability" is not synonym for
"insure" [he means "ensure"; they are *not* synonyms]

He does these *all the fucking time*

Here is another category of scooterism: larding his bullshit with "wiggle room"
wheeze. This is when scooter clearly and undeniably means "all" or "every" or
"any," without qualification, but he adds some padding to give him an imaginary
out or escape route when his bullshit is called. Examples:

"The second amendment to the constitution of the United States of America
would pretty much render any gun control law you want to be null and void."

scooter, lying on 04/26/2023 at 12:45pm ET

"By and large, I would generally state that virtually all, if not all, gun
control laws currently or recently proposed would be Unconstitutional."

scooter, lying on 04/27/2023 at 2:00pm ET

"Actually the fact that election fraud occurred on a massive scale is pretty
much unquestioned by anyone that has researched the issue."

scooter, lying on 04/16/2024 at 8:06am ET

"pretty much," "generally," "by and large," "virtually all" — scooter means
"all" or "any" or "every" in every instance. This larding with empty wheeze is
an indication of an inferior intellect. Sound thinkers who are good writers just
don't do it.
kleine klauschen
2024-12-27 04:32:45 UTC
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Some of scooter's illiterate and nonsensical locutions
"Actually..." [empty padding]
"Further..." [empty padding]
"Naturally, ..." [empty padding]
"And just like that..." [scooter going "nyah-nyah" at an opponent
immediately before fleeing] "On the contrary..." [scooter childishly
disputing, never refuting] "And yet..." [empty padding; scooter
adding something irrelevant and pointless] "Heck..." [empty padding]
"Well..." [empty padding]
"After all..." [empty padding]
"In fact..." [empty padding]
"Indeed..." [empty padding; this is one of "pothole's" favorites, too]
"I acknowledge that..." [something that hasn't happened, so not
subject to acknowledgment] "So what you're saying..." [what follows
is always something the opponent never said, i.e. a straw man]
"TRANSLATION:..." [the same as "so what you're saying..." — a straw
man] "Rudy/Baxter/Lee admits..." same as "so what you're saying" and
"TRANSLATION:.." — a straw man] "Where in the Constitution does it
say..." [about shit that wouldn't be in the Constitution anyway]
"it's" [he means the possessive "its"] "its" [he means the
contraction "it's"] "and" [he means "an"] "an" [he means "and"]
"where" [he means "were"]
"were" [he means "where"]
"creditability" [he means "credibility"; "creditability" is not
synonym for credibility] "insure" [he means "ensure"; they are not
He does these *all the fucking time*
Here is another category of scooterism: larding his bullshit with
"wiggle room" wheeze. This is when scooter clearly and undeniably
means "all" or "every" or "any," without qualification, but he adds
some padding to give him an imaginary out or escape route when his
"The second amendment to the constitution of the United States of
America would pretty much render any gun control law you want to
be null and void."
scooter, lying on 04/26/2023 at 12:45pm ET
"By and large, I would generally state that virtually all, if not
all, gun control laws currently or recently proposed would be
scooter, lying on 04/27/2023 at 2:00pm ET
"Actually the fact that election fraud occurred on a massive scale
is pretty much unquestioned by anyone that has researched the
scooter, lying on 04/16/2024 at 8:06am ET
"pretty much," "generally," "by and large," "virtually all" — scooter
means "all" or "any" or "every" in every instance. This larding with
empty wheeze is an indication of an inferior intellect. Sound
thinkers who are good writers just don't do it.
Scooter is almost as stupid as I am.
I'm Klaus Schadenfreude and I suck dick.
2024-12-27 08:25:55 UTC
Post by kleine klauschen
Scooter is almost as stupid as I am.
Common knowledge, Rudy.
2024-12-27 15:13:32 UTC
Why Rudy Licks My Ass
All part of his Jolly Kone Services.
Bring Your Cock To the Jolly Kone!!!
It's The Central Valley's Fellatio Zone!
If You're On The Left or On The Right
I'll Suck Your Cock and I Won't Bite!
I'll Make You Cum and I'll Make you Moan!
Rudy Canoza Will Make Sure You Get Blown!
On Your Cock My Skills I'll Hone!
My Expertise Is Quite Well Known!
That Talent, You Know, Is Unconcealed!
I've Sucked Every Cock In Bakersfield!
Watch Me Work That Hardened Bone!
I'm Right On Top Of The Skull Fuck Throne!
Sing it, tRudy!
2024-12-28 07:18:13 UTC
Post by Ted
Why Rudy Licks My Ass
All part of his Jolly Kone Services.
Bring Your Cock To the Jolly Kone!!!
It's The Central Valley's Fellatio Zone!
If You're On The Left or On The Right
I'll Suck Your Cock and I Won't Bite!
I'll Make You Cum and I'll Make you Moan!
Rudy Canoza Will Make Sure You Get Blown!
On Your Cock My Skills I'll Hone!
My Expertise Is Quite Well Known!
That Talent, You Know, Is Unconcealed!
I've Sucked Every Cock In Bakersfield!
Watch Me Work That Hardened Bone!
I'm Right On Top Of The Skull Fuck Throne!
Sing it, tRudy!
He can't right now, his mouth is full.
